Today's Entry: Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath and Politoed
These Pokémon are perhaps some of the biggest pieces of PROOF that Pokémon is trying to (and succeeding at!) brainwashing the youth of America! Each of them is PROOF of the ILLUMINATI MIND CONTROL that NINTENDO has snuck into the games!
I'd say I'm surprised they put them in there so blatantly, but they know everyone is so brainwashed that the few of us who notice will be thrown aside as nuts. Well, they'll be singing a different tune when the TRUTH comes out!

Poliwag is designed to be cute. It draws young children in with its big eyes, representing an innocence that resonates on their level. But there is a sinister aspect to this Pokemon and its "evolutions." (I've already discussed my distrust of the series for its stance on evolution.) Each of them has a spiral motif with a disturbing underlying meaning.
The spiral represents HYPNOTISM, which is crucial for creating a successful PUPPET of the ILLUMINATI. Not convinced? Poliwag and its "evolutions" all know the move HYPNOSIS and according to several Pokédex entries, looking at Poliwhirl's swirl causes DROWSINESS! With this knowledge in mind, what do you think of the fact that Poliwhirl is Pokémon creator Satoshi Tajiri's favorite Pokémon? He knows of the SATANIC POWER the ILLUMINATI has granted him, and he loves it.

Now let's turn to Poliwrath. This "evolution" is able to learn the move SUBMISSION. This is a clear reference to ISLAM, which as you already know, is a SATANIC MOON CULT, dedicated to wiping Christianity off the face of the Earth! In Japan, they are a bit more honest about the move, calling it HELL WHEEL.
But as disturbing as this is, it is not the only thing wrong. Take a look at Poliwrath's Pokédex entry from Fire Red:
"An adept swimmer, it knows the front crawl, butterfly, and more. It is faster than the best human swimmers."
The BUTTERFLY is a direct refernce to the MONARCH PROJECT, a secret ILLUMINATI MIND CONTROL project, started after the CIA's secret PROJECT MKULTRA was shut down. You can read more about it on other websites that seek the TRUTH. You may be able to brush one or more of these aside as coincidence, but together the TRUTH is undeniable: Pokémon is brainwashing America's youth, and they're rubbing the proof right in our faces.

But we're still not done. There's still one more: Politoed. Politoed is an alternate "evolution" from Poliwhirl, on the same level as Poliwrath. Politoed, however, has the status of a king! (MONARCH, anyone?) It is able to let out an echoing cry and Poliwag and Poliwhirl will come from far and wide to do its bidding. This represents DELTA-level MIND CONTROL, in which Poliwag (who represent innocent CHILDREN) who have become ILLUMINATI PUPPETS, are programmed to KILL!
And look at this:
Poliwag's Pokédex # = 60
Poliwhirl's Pokédex # = 61
Poliwrath's Pokédex # = 62
Remove the second digit of each and the evolutionary line gives you 666!
But there's more:
Politoed's Pokédex # = 186
1 + 8 + 6 = 15
1 + 5 = 6
So even with Politoed as the final evolution, it still gives you 666!
Stay away from Pokémon if you value your eternal soul!
God bless you all!
you sir are a deranged man in serious need of help. the show originated in japan and was not made by Nintendo "NINTENDO has snuck into the games!" this entire line is horse shit. they took the original models for the pokemon and put them into the game. good day sir.
ReplyDeletedude im a Christian and I play pokemon I do thinks its evil but children dont understand the hidden messages and plus the kids aren't going want to become pokemon and i kinda agree with the person im replying to
DeleteIm Christian and i dont beleve pokemon is satanig infact i wonder if this is a joke XD
DeleteIluminati is infact kinda dead (the original) and infact EVERYTHING IS FRIKIN ILUMINATI!!! This is just ridiculous and hypnosis dont make me laugh..!!!
hi, I love Pokemon and grew up on it as well as other good cartoons, you have very interesting analysis, but aside from that it won't alter me in not loving part of my child hood, and even if they were trying to control children "to kill"?? all they see it as is an adventure anime series, still one of the greatest!!! come on, like really? How? show me flat evidence of children committing crime because of this! :D
ReplyDeletethere have actually been incidents reported that are linked to pokemon the card game, somewhere in Quebec to give you an example look it up. A kid stabbed another kid over them. I'm not saying I believe everything this guy says but you can't make that bold of a statement unknowingly, just saying
Deletebetter yet here's a link:
It's just people being Dumb asses
DeleteLol dude pepole kill over everything!!! Some kid is mentaly unstable (or just obsesive)and some kid takes hes marble. Then the kid with the issue kills the kid omg marbles are satanic!!!! I talked with my friend and I mentioned his girl friend (nothing bad) and he STABED MY HAND WITH A PENSIL so i guess girl friends are satanic to!
Deleteyoure really dumb
ReplyDeletesubmission and hell whell are wrestling moves
Haha WHAT A MORONIC RELIGIOUS CUNT. Paranoid religious people always trying to think when the end of the world is and finding 'evil' in everything when your fictional book of a bible is full of murder and rape. Pathetic.
ReplyDeleteBitch ill hurt you talkin bout jesus like that you goin 2 hell
Deleteu mean that place whee god puts u if u use ur free will 2 do something he dosn't like. then he continues to tell the living he loves u?
Deletedude ur a fucking retard if u dont believe in the religion dont fucking say shit about it
DeleteSo he's stupid for not believing in Christianity? Since when is it a crime to believe in something else ooo wait I forgot your religion doesn't except people for who they are your religion preaches hate for everyone who is different
DeleteI believe in God but I'm Catholic and seriously sometimes I think Christians r a little cookoo but like no offense my opinion
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYOU DUMBASS!! ISLAM IS NOT SATANISM YOU BITCH!! But on another note Satanism is wrong. Idiots are also wrong. Not as wrong as Satanists but you know... :/
ReplyDeleteDude I completely agree with you, this guy has EXTREMIST religious views rivaling those that are EXTREMIST of Islam have even (bet that will piss him off haha),but my point is every religion has extremist that inaccurately portray that religion.
DeleteAnd I gotta say as a Christian I feel misrepresented by this guy. Even though I believe there could be some truth to what he is saying
some of the language he uses to presents his case are actually taking away from his message turning people off to it.
If I didn't already suspect similar ideas about pokemon I'd probably only read the first few paragraphs and say this dude was crazy too. I would suggest to anybody that reads this article to not take this guy's word for it.
Setting aside this guy's bias and your own I would suggest to objectively research for yourself this topic and see if you can find any similarities.
What you do with what you find, whether it be good or bad, make that decision for yourself not because some guy with a blog or anybody else tells you to.
Despite what some extremist Christians make it seem like, being a Christian should not make you a mindless following lamb, doesn't give you a license to belittle someone using the Bible which in of itself is wrong. God gave all of us minds and the power to use them.
I am crishtian and i say this is ridiculous the closest thing to the bible ive seen is arceus (god) and who knows maby giratina ("devil") exept giratina becomes good and they are ok with eachother (thats just how they look like nothing else )
DeleteWhat the heck? You're just a racist random person who doesn't know a thing about Pokemon! Pokemon was made to be entertaining and teach kids about strategy, not some evil plan to hale Satan, who most of them probably don't even know because they're in Japan and have a different belief. Most nonsensical blog I've ever read.
ReplyDeleteI like all of your comments guys :) Keep up the good work. UNLIKe this stupid dumbass racist bastard over here >.>
ReplyDeleteYou sir, fail at life AND Christianity.
ReplyDeleteUnlike all the others here I believe you are right. Pokemon is Satanic, thank you for creating this blog, I learned a lot! :)
ReplyDeleteWhy hello, guy who created this blog and thinks he can change our minds by becoming anonymous and posting something agreeing with yourself, how do you do?
DeleteI learned that you are so paranoid and suicidal that you see a swimming move and think it's proof of a mind-controlling game making kids satanic murderers.
You had no childhood. Sucks.
^ LOL. word
DeleteYeah how could I possibly believe that Pokemon is Satanic just because a minor part of them show signs?
DeleteI learned only 4/649, so less.
Just because you "prove" it does not make it true and that is over speculation also you are just jelous of satoshi tajari because he is richer than you
DeleteYou're an idiot.
DeleteYour lack of love as a child certainly shows in your website. Do you need a hug?
ReplyDeletehahaha this cunt hasnt written shit in over a year and he claimed to have it all figured out as for the 666 thing honestly it was bound to happen nothing more than a mere coincidence
ReplyDeleteNah, can't be for real...
ReplyDeletethe 666 this is a coincidence and I have proof. in the pokedex, pokemon go in numerical order. the first evolution comes first, followed by the second and the third. if Poliwag starts at 60, no duh the first number of each one is gonna be a six! you idiot
ReplyDeletespecial coincidence for Politoed, the #186's sum has to end with 6
DeleteU fuckass dude its in order of when u incounter them. Most legendary are in the 500s so of course there's gonna be a 186 god there are som fucked up bitches in this world
those are still only 2 sixes sir.
According to this blog, that mean Slowpoke, Slowbro and Slowking (especially) should be included in the Pokedex of EVIL.
DeleteAnd Slowpoke's # is 79
Slowbro's # is 80
Slowking's # is 199
7 + 9 = 16 And 1 + 6 = 7
8 + 0 = 8
1 + 9 + 9 = 19 and 1 + 9 = 0
Sooo you're trying to tell me that
7 + 8 + 0 = 15 and 1 + 5 = 6
If according to you sir, there are 2 sixes in the computation, then my computation has 3 sixes, with a final result of 6.
I did a nice job.
You know what else is evil? Books! You have to read them and when you do a movie plays in your head. Mind control.
ReplyDeleteyes I hate books:P
DeleteIs this a joke? Your brain is obviously fogged with SATAN! Only SATAN, and not JESUS, would come up with such prophecies!
ReplyDeleteYou need to take a step back and reevaluate your faith, because I think you've been blinded for a long time by a fake word.
God does not want you to be so paranoid about whats good and evil that you start to curse things that bring children happiness! Thats when you turn into a bad person, and you might end up in hell!
You poor soul, you need to read the bible better. If you live your life in constant fear, and surround yourself with such negativity, then your soul is not clean, and jesus does not know you! You wil burn in hell!
God Bless your soul!
You sir/ma'am have no idea what your talking about. By saying that this author is going to "burn in hell," you are saying that this person's salvation was renounced and they are going to hell because of it. In the bible it clearly states that once one is saved, nothing can take them from the hand of God. Not even Satan. So you sir/ma'am need to go back through your beliefs. And so what if this page is extremist. At least one Christian is speaking out.
DeleteSpeaking out? Isn't Christianity the same religion where you can go rape and murder kids but wait wait as long as you go confess and turn your self over to jesus your gonna be just fine and your gonna end up in "heaven" that's a hell of a religion..
DeleteI love how people are taking this seriously. All you guys are the real morons.
ReplyDeleteso if we believe you we should also ban the olympics or any sort of swimming event because they mostly involve the butterfly swimming technic
ReplyDeleteThis guy is straight up dumbass, the poli trio (as I like to call them) are just tadpoles that can wrestle your shit to the ground, politoad can have others do his bidding because he is praticually a frog (like a their king) and in order to get him you need kings rock, so like one of the other commentors said pokemon is to teach kids strategy, get a life. Trying to ruin my childhood why don't ya
ReplyDeleteyou my good man are what we in my line of work call a nutberger
ReplyDeleteLove to see all the negative comments. Love to see the one positive comment and how quickly it was put down. Personally, I like seeing the theory. Reminds me of the Rugrats theory. However, this, sir, is ridiculous. We had to get to 60 at some point and no doubt some group of 3 pokemon would be in it.
ReplyDeleteAbra does not look like Baphumet, or whatever the name was. The head of kadabra does resemble an inverted pentagram, but that's about as far as it goes.
Japan is not communist. They do share christian beliefs. Nintendo has nothing to do with the original idea. Look up the creator of pokemon.
Find some actual basis for this instead of an underground group that just about anything could be linked to.
I believe my friend, that YOU are the brainwashed one.
ReplyDeleteStop paranoing like that, seriously.
I've been playing Pokémon for years, and i'm no illuminati or shit. It's just for fun.
Get real.
First of all Pokemon has nothing to do with Satan or the Illuminati it was made to be a kids game and if Pokemon was really Satanic why the hell did they make the games, trading cards, and most importantly the actual company it's people like you who are taking this whole thing way too far I grew up playing Pokemon and nothing bad has happened to me and I turned out fine may I also remind you it's people like you who think Pokemon is connected with the devil seriously I'm not one to judge but dude seriously stop believing stuff that isn't true I love Pokemon so stop accusing one of my all time favorite games to be a creation of the devil without actual proof thank you
ReplyDeleteEveryone that's posting rude comments about this post your just scared and don't want to believe in the truth, there's much more to this world then what eyes can see. Believe it or not that's your way to heaven or Hell.... I've been reading about everything from certain music, TV shows, movies, games, certain food, and drinks illuminatti is taking over people and I believe we have to believe in God and against all this anti Christ
ReplyDeleteAm Atheist so yeah I don't believe a word anybody said that had to do with god. people need to stop bring religion into everything and just in joy whats going on.
DeleteShut the fuck up!
DeleteAs stupid as his posts may be, its true.
His posts are so bad its unreal. Everyone who learns the truth fall in this pit hole. A temporary state of paranoia and negativity.
For everyone saying this is complete bullshit, please excuse him for being direct and out of control.
This website only shows his lack of maturity in spirituality and knowledge of god and all that stuff.
Just do your own research and come to your own conclusion.
There's so much i could point out to back this whole idea of Pokemon being evil that this blog would need more bandwidth.
And for those of you who call your selves atheists because of the impact of modern religion on society. Do like this little man and make a bit of research.
Fuck religion,
Love god.
This Has To Be A Joke.....
ReplyDeleteWelp, I guess no heaven for me! ^_^
ReplyDeletesorry man but i think your wrong, the satanists want to LURE people to them, by showing thier PYRAMID sign (and some others), i dont think anybody has the time to hide thier work, yet show it.....
ReplyDeleteIt's theory, And a interesting one. I don't personally Believe it's 100% True. But it's an opinion yes? So why, in the comments, blow it way out of proportion? I mean yes this guy choose some Pokemon that have symbols, and he/she stated their opinion. I could say the same thing about Lucky Charm marshmallows, But that doesn't mean start a war in the comments calling him/her a "Cunt" Seriously where all human, so whether you think this blog is wrong or right, Well I believe I was taught to hold my tongue if I couldn't say anything nice.
ReplyDeletewhat the fuck???
ReplyDeleteYour just overly religious and there supposed to be in order they were the 60,61,62 pokemon to be made -_- *jackass*
ReplyDeleteNo shit 1+5 is six u dumbass your so stupid for beliving this oh and the butterfly is actually a way of swimming.
ReplyDeleteDude. I can't figure out if he is trolling or if he is just that ignorant.
ReplyDeleteI shit brix after finish reading this nonsense.. This dude need to chill the fuck off..
ReplyDeleteThe things you wrote about the Islam shows that you got brain washed. You don't need secret symbols in movies, just use the media to let people fair a religious group. Congratulations now you can do everything "just to prevent terror", ???, profit!
ReplyDeleteGet some help you fag Wtf is this a joke?
ReplyDeleteNote that hypnosis is not evil. Also, no one can be hypnotised to do things that they do not want to do; whether children want or do not want to worship the occult, hypnosis cannot sway them one way or the other.
ReplyDeleteThis concludes another episode of Christians gone wild.
ReplyDeleteWait a sec... If you say pokemon is "SATANIC" or something like that why you know many things about Pokemon
ReplyDeleteLIES! Go Zygarde
ReplyDeletey not 3825 urself. kadabra is based on somebody who can twist a spoon and all that and politoed family are based off of these family that hypnotise the enemy
ReplyDeleteYou went full retard. Never go full retard.
ReplyDeleteYou are a fucking idiot. GO FUCK YOURSELF BECAUSE I AM THE TRUE IMBODIMENT OF SATAN 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 646 666 666 666 faggot
ReplyDeleteThe butterfly thing in FireRed Pokedex is the swimming technique.
ReplyDeleteAre you saying that swimmers in Olympics who know butterfly stroke are Satanists?
I cant say if he's right or wrong.... but these comments are out of control.
ReplyDeleteThese are truly Horrible..! u should mind yourself first!
is this a fucking joke?? islam a satanic moon cult?? i love me some pokemanz whats so bad about charizard and Rayquaza
ReplyDeleteevolution is REAL so stop pretending like its not im gonna go buy my kids all the pokemon games so they can trade pokemon like pikachu for a magikarp
ReplyDeleteOkay people calm down a bit. No need to blow this out of proportion. Though I do have to agree. This is a bit far fetched. Pokemon is meant to be fun for people. I am a Christian. I play Pokemon. I have never committed treason towards God. And anyway, the different Pokemon are based off of different creatures of different religions. I also have to say that you should stop bashing other religions. We all have a right to our own beliefs. So please when you are writing these don't drag other religions in saying that if anything is unchristian its satanic.Islam is a belief that people are entitled to. The people who worship Islam are not trying to destroy us. If anything Christians are trying to destroy all other religions. Let people believe what they want. K?
ReplyDeletebro, butterfly is just a swimming technique. and one that was not created by game freak or nintendo. so, how is it satanic, or nintendos fault?
ReplyDeleteFine, state your opinion , but don't call Islam a stantic moon cult that's out to destroy chirsnly. Islamic pepole are just like you or me.
ReplyDeleteyou sir are a massive dumbass
ReplyDeleteWow your an idiot, the kadabra one actually mad sense because the evidence was good. But guess what does having a plate with a spiral on it make it satanic? Does liking that spiral plate make you satanic? does having $18 dollars make you satanic because if you split it into thirds you get 666?
ReplyDeleteAnd people wonder why I deconverted...
ReplyDeleteNumerology. lol
This concludes another episode of "Christians gone wild"
"Almost forgot:
DeleteAnd look at this:
Poliwag's Pokédex # = 60
Poliwhirl's Pokédex # = 61
Poliwrath's Pokédex # = 62
Remove the second digit of each and the evolutionary line gives you 666!"
Oh goody. That proved nothing... Just that they're between #60-70.
"But there's more:
Politoed's Pokédex # = 186
1 + 8 + 6 = 15
1 + 5 = 6
So even with Politoed as the final evolution, it still gives you 666!"
Really? I got 66. You fail at math.
Besides if you're not a Christian, 666 only keeps 665 and 667 from bumping into each other.
I found NOTHING satanic in the series while playing it and watching it. Stop shoehorning everything into every kid's show. this isn 't the 80s.
Also, it's taking those Zionists/Lizards/Satanists/Catholics/Atheists/MUSLIMS/Black people/Secularists/(Insert bogeyman here) quiite a while to initiate their super-duper-mega-awesome-take-over-the-world plan. At LEAST thirty years? wow...
Satanic Moon Cult is a new one to me...
ReplyDeleteHi. I googled "is Pokemon demonic" and came across your page. My son has somehow attained a collection of cards and is asking for more for Christmas. I am totally against them. But I am a divorced mom and he lives in 2 homes. So controlling what he has at his dad's house is hard. His dad ask me the same question. "Why do you think it's demonic". My answer is quite interesting. Around 2002 I attended a Bible College in Wisconsin. It was located within a Christian camp and a very small college. There was this family who was very involved with the camp and ministry and they many years ago had uprooted their lives and moved to Venezuela to become missionaries. There is a tribe they discovered there in the rainforest. They are called the Yanamamo Indians (spelling?). This tribe had no written language and this family I know took to this tribe and helped write their language and minister to them. There was heavy witchcraft going on with the tribe and evil sacrifices. Long story short, many of the tribe converted to Christianity through the persistence of this family's faith in God. They wrote a book about it called, "spirit of the rainforest". Even the witch doctor had turned from his ways and gave his life to Christ. Well one day in class we were able to meet this witch doctor. The missionary brought him to the U.S. For the first time and he spoke through a translator to our class. I'll never forget one thing he spoke of. He landed in Chicago and while he was there he came across Pokemon and told the missionary that he knew those spirits. The missionary told him he had never seen those before and the witch doctor reiterated that he knows those spirits well and has seen them before. He spoke of the evil they were. It's quite mind blowing that something we find so simple and childish can be known in the spirit world as a tool of satan. I fully believe what I heard that day and of all the things he spoke of, why Pokemon? I completely agree that our fight is not against flesh and blood and I myself have seen with my own eyes the spirit world that is around us. It can be a scary thing. It's so important to fill our heart and minds of our children with things of the Lord and to protect them against such things. I don't think you are paranoid or crazy at all. I think your very in tune with the Holy Spirit and all people should be more in tune with Him. Thought you would like to hear my thoughts on it. Even in the middle of a rainforest with no tv and no games, these "pocket monsters" are well known.
ReplyDeleteLOL, that idiot priest lied to you.
DeleteReligion is a very serious mental illness, Christians, Muslims, need to be put to sleep. acknowledging the fact that obviously mankind did not create itself is one thing but claiming to have any idea of what happens after you're dead and gone makes you either a liar, or a complete dumbshit. This self righteous secret faggot fucker has posted countless laughably sad stories hes fabricated (I assume you're a man as much as I hate to have absolutely anything in common with you) straight from your asshole while shoving your favorite lightsaber up there saying because it "glows in the dark" since your head is so fucking far in there in attempts to hide from the insecure fears manifesting around your audacious accusations (which is true, pokemon IS satanic but not for ANY of the severely wack ass reasons you've thought of) and the withered decay of scattered debris you call your fucking SOUL!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSheesh, dude. While the guy who created this blog IS crazy, not all Christians are like that.
DeleteWhoever wrote this article is the bitch of a bitches bitch who has NO LIFE WHAT SO EVER I swear to your gay smelly twat god if I ever heard someone as stupid as you even start to say some ignorant arrogant shit like that in person I can't even BEGIN TO EXPRESS THE FEROCITY AND BARBARICNESS OF THESE ACTIONS. YOU ARE NOTHING! NOTHING YOU SAY OR DO WILL EVER! AND I MEAN EVER!!!!!!!! HAVE ANY!!!!!!!! PURPOSE!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE WORTHLESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI FUCKED YOUR MOTHER TO DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHoly SHIT bless satan I just saw this retards profile he is HIDEOUS no WONDER he hates everything for the wrong reason. Huh, i saw another article he wrote I assumed he had more, guess it was just this and mister mime. Man, that was some basic Christian homo babble.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to pray to god and satan that you die getting passed around in prison, I'll worship whoever comes through
ReplyDeleteI fucking hate you so fucking much you stupid ugly fucking retard I wanna chop off your tiny pokeballs and kick your flat sagging ass then throw your balls at your face then they'll open up and catch you like real pokeballs and since they're two of them you'll be ripped in half and I'll throw your balls on the ground all the time to show people you struggling to live but I keep making you return so you heal enough not to die for years and years till I grow weary of it then simply dip them in kerosene and light them on fire, then say I choose you so you can pop out of your balls one last time then I'll do the same thing to you that I did to your balls.
ReplyDeleteStardot, sucks a hard cock, till it's purple like an arbok, think I heard a magi-carp flop.
ReplyDeleteYou people abusing Christianity are all doomed I know u know dat u are on d path of destruction and hell
ReplyDeletenot gonna lie, that politoed is badass af. what ep in the anime?
ReplyDeletenot gonna lie, that politoed is badass af. what ep in the anime?
ReplyDeleteThis guy is trolling you. He doesn't believe in this in real life, he is just making a funny blog to mess with people! haha Good one man!
ReplyDelete186 at the end of the number theres a 6 then 1+8+6 =15 1+5 another six now there is 3 evolutions you did a lot of adding so what is the three evolutions adding its self 6 but wait theres moreremembber how many sixes i talked about put them together its SIX SIX SIX!!!!??? 666 ILLUMANATI CONFIRMED
ReplyDeleteHello viewer my name is Michael Weller. I'm from USA Cleveland Ohio am here to share my testimony on how I finally join the Illuminati hood, I tried all my possible best to become a member of the hood but I was scam several times, before a friend of mine that always give me money because he was very rich, one day he said he is not going to give me fish that he is going to teach me how to fish, so i was very happy, i never new he was a member of illuminati in all my life will have spend together! so i was initiated to the illuminati hood, i receive $2,000,000 instantly in my bank Account for me to start a new life and today am so happy to say to the world that am one of the richest and am also known all over the world with the business given to me by the Illuminati and also have power to do that which I want, Are you a politician, business man/woman, musical artiste, student, footballer or whatever occupation you do you want to be rich, powerful and famous in life. Illuminati can grant all your heart desire join the Illuminati to become rich and famous in life, Illuminati we make you achieve your dream to become rich and protect you all the days of your life....I know so many people may be on my lane also looking for help..Here is his Email>>
You can get in touch with him and become successful in life.
1. The spiral pattern on Poliwhirl's belly is supposed to represent how the intestines of tadpoles are sometimes seen through their transparent skin.
ReplyDelete2. The spiral pattern on its belly is supposed to represent how the organs of these frogs and other tadpoles can sometimes be seen through their transparent skin.
3. Poliwrath is based on a glass frog. The spiral pattern on its belly is supposed to represent how the organs of these frogs and other tadpoles can sometimes be seen through their transparent skin.
4. Politoed is likely based on a tree frog, possibly the European tree frog. The swirl on its stomach may represent visible internal organs, like those of a glass frog.
Isaiah 5:20
ReplyDeleteKing James Version
20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!