Today's Entry: Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath and Politoed
These Pokémon are perhaps some of the biggest pieces of PROOF that Pokémon is trying to (and succeeding at!) brainwashing the youth of America! Each of them is PROOF of the ILLUMINATI MIND CONTROL that NINTENDO has snuck into the games!
I'd say I'm surprised they put them in there so blatantly, but they know everyone is so brainwashed that the few of us who notice will be thrown aside as nuts. Well, they'll be singing a different tune when the TRUTH comes out!

Poliwag is designed to be cute. It draws young children in with its big eyes, representing an innocence that resonates on their level. But there is a sinister aspect to this Pokemon and its "evolutions." (I've already discussed my distrust of the series for its stance on evolution.) Each of them has a spiral motif with a disturbing underlying meaning.
The spiral represents HYPNOTISM, which is crucial for creating a successful PUPPET of the ILLUMINATI. Not convinced? Poliwag and its "evolutions" all know the move HYPNOSIS and according to several Pokédex entries, looking at Poliwhirl's swirl causes DROWSINESS! With this knowledge in mind, what do you think of the fact that Poliwhirl is Pokémon creator Satoshi Tajiri's favorite Pokémon? He knows of the SATANIC POWER the ILLUMINATI has granted him, and he loves it.

Now let's turn to Poliwrath. This "evolution" is able to learn the move SUBMISSION. This is a clear reference to ISLAM, which as you already know, is a SATANIC MOON CULT, dedicated to wiping Christianity off the face of the Earth! In Japan, they are a bit more honest about the move, calling it HELL WHEEL.
But as disturbing as this is, it is not the only thing wrong. Take a look at Poliwrath's Pokédex entry from Fire Red:
"An adept swimmer, it knows the front crawl, butterfly, and more. It is faster than the best human swimmers."
The BUTTERFLY is a direct refernce to the MONARCH PROJECT, a secret ILLUMINATI MIND CONTROL project, started after the CIA's secret PROJECT MKULTRA was shut down. You can read more about it on other websites that seek the TRUTH. You may be able to brush one or more of these aside as coincidence, but together the TRUTH is undeniable: Pokémon is brainwashing America's youth, and they're rubbing the proof right in our faces.

But we're still not done. There's still one more: Politoed. Politoed is an alternate "evolution" from Poliwhirl, on the same level as Poliwrath. Politoed, however, has the status of a king! (MONARCH, anyone?) It is able to let out an echoing cry and Poliwag and Poliwhirl will come from far and wide to do its bidding. This represents DELTA-level MIND CONTROL, in which Poliwag (who represent innocent CHILDREN) who have become ILLUMINATI PUPPETS, are programmed to KILL!
And look at this:
Poliwag's Pokédex # = 60
Poliwhirl's Pokédex # = 61
Poliwrath's Pokédex # = 62
Remove the second digit of each and the evolutionary line gives you 666!
But there's more:
Politoed's Pokédex # = 186
1 + 8 + 6 = 15
1 + 5 = 6
So even with Politoed as the final evolution, it still gives you 666!
Stay away from Pokémon if you value your eternal soul!
God bless you all!